When individuals pass away, it’s not just the loss of them but their day-to-day life. Multiple details need to be addressed, from planning the cremation service in Des Moines, IA , to closing out accounts. Having a list can make the experience easier, so let’s look at the most crucial steps to get started.
The first step is to have an official announce the loss. This will include getting a declaration of death, which can be done with a medical professional because, without this, you can’t plan the services or manage any of their estate needs.
You will then need to announce to any family or friends that the individual has passed on. It is recommended to look in their e-mail and phone contacts to ensure everyone has been notified. You can also consider using social media or asking recipients to let others know they may have been connected to the individual.
In the best-case scenario, the individual will already have a pre-plan and a list of their wishes for burial or cremation. If they don’t, working with friends or family members is recommended for picking the details of the services.
You also don’t want to leave their home unattended, especially if the news is announced on social media, because this can pose a security risk in some situations. Ask friends or family members to go to their homes, throw out any food in the fridge, check the mail, water the plants, and find care if pets are in the house.
Agencies like the Social Security Administration or veterans administration will need to be notified of the loss. Any reoccurring bills like gym memberships, storage units, and credit cards will also need to be paid off and canceled. It’s also recommended to go to the post office and put in a forwarding order to prevent mail from coming to the individual’s home.
Getting at least ten copies of the death certificate is recommended, but you may need more depending on the size of the individual’s estate. You can also speak with the funeral director, and they may be able to access the copies on your behalf, or you can get them from the vital statistics office in the state the individual lived in. If there is an appointed executor for the will and the estate portion, be sure to reach out to this person. Otherwise, a judge will name an administrator once the estate goes to the probate court.
These are just a few steps to get started, and other areas like closing social media accounts and title transfers may also have to take place. Trying to manage all of this while planning the cremation service in Des Moines, IA can feel incredibly challenging, so our team is here to support you. We offer affordable and compassionate services , so contact us today for more information.